Handbook of public policy analysis : theory, politics, and methods

Pt. I. Historical perspectives -- Ch. 1. The policy sciences at the crossroads / Peter deLeon and Danielle M. Vogenbeck -- Ch. 2. Promoting the policy orientation : lasswell in context / Douglas Torgerson -- Ch. 3. Public policy, social science, and the state : an historical perspective / Peter Wagner -- Pt. II. Policy processes -- Ch. 4. Theories of the policy cycle / Werner Jann and Kai Wegrich -- Ch. 5. Agenda setting in public policy / Thomas A. Birkland -- Ch. 6. Policy formulation : design and tools / Mara S. Sidney -- Ch. 7. Implementing public policy / Helga Pulzl and Oliver Treib -- Ch. 8. Do policies determine politics? / Hubert Heinelt -- Pt. III. Policy politics, advocacy, and expertise -- Ch. 9. A guide to the advocacy coalition framework / Christopher M. Weible and Paul A. Sabatier -- Ch. 10. Policy communities / Hugh T. Miller and Tansu Demir -- Ch. 11. Public policy analysis and think tanks / Diane Stone -- Pt. IV. Policy decision making : rationality, networks, and learning -- Ch. 12. Rationality in policy decision making / Clinton J. Andrews -- Ch. 13. Rational choice in public policy : the theory in critical perspective / Steven Griggs -- Ch. 14. Taking stock of policy networks : do they matter? / Jorg Raab and Patrick Kenis -- Ch. 15. Theories of policy learning : agency, structure, and change / John Grin and Anne Loeber -- Pt. V. Deliberative policy analysis : argumentation, rhetoric, and narratives -- Ch. 16. Deliberative policy analysis as practical reason : integrating empirical and normative arguments / Frank Fischer -- Ch. 17. Rhetoric in policy making : between logos, ethos, and pathos / Herbert Gottweis -- Ch. 18. Narrative policy analysis / Michel M. J. van Eeten -- Pt. VI. Comparative, cultural, and ethical perspectives -- Ch. 19. Comparative public policy / Martin Lodge -- Ch. 20. Applied cultural theory : tool for policy analysis / Robert Hoppe -- Ch. 21. Ethical issues and public policy / Eileen Sullivan and Mary Segers -- Ch. 22. Public policy and democratic citizenship : what kinds of citizenship does policy promote? / Anne Larason Schneider and Helen Ingram -- Pt. VII. Quantitatively oriented policy methods -- Ch. 23. Quantitative methods for policy analysis / Kaifeng Yang -- Ch. 24. The use (and misuse) of surveys research in policy analysis / Jerry Mitchell -- Ch. 25. Social experiments and public policy / Caroline Danielson -- Ch. 26. Policy evaluation and evaluation research / Hellmut Wollmann -- Pt. VIII. Qualitative policy analysis : interpretation, meaning, and content -- Ch. 27. Qualitative-interpretive methods in policy research / Dvora Yanow -- Ch. 28. Qualitative research and public policy / Alan R. Sadovnik -- Ch. 29. Interpretation and intention in policy analysis / Henk Wagenaar -- Ch. 30. Context-sensitive policy methods / Susan E. Clarke -- Pt. IX. Policy decisions techniques -- Ch. 31. Cost-benefit analysis / Gerald J. Miller and Donijo Robbins -- Ch. 32. Environmental impact assessment : between bureaucratic process and social learning / Yaakov Garb, Miriam Manon and Deike Peters -- Ch. 33. Technology assessment as policy analysis : from expert advice to participatory approaches / Bernard Reber -- Ch. 34. Public policy mediation : from argument to collaboration / David Laws and John Forester -- Pt. X. Country perspectives -- Ch. 35. Policy analysis in Britain / Wayne Parsons -- Ch. 36. The evolution of policy analysis in the Netherlands / Igor Mayer -- Ch. 37. Policy analysis and evaluation in Sweden : discovering the limits of the rationalistic paradigm / Jan-Eric Furubo -- Ch. 38. The policy turn in German political science / Thomas Saretzki -- Ch. 39. Policy analysis in India : research bases and discursive practices / Navdeep Mathur and Kuldeep Mathur -- Ch. 40. Korean policy analysis : from economic efficiency to public participation / Changhwan Mo

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