Visibility of System State

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Visibility of system state

Visibility of system status indicates that users should be continuously aware of what is going the system is doing or needing through feedback and display of information. Visibility answers user questions as they interact with system interface, like:

Examples in electronic health record include:

In this good example, an image has been shown as loading information.

Figure 1, loading image shows as retrieving vitals of a patient in Open EMR.

In this bad example, there is no sign what elements on the page are clickable or not.

Figure 2, a patient list has no clues for further actions.

Guidelines summary:

Visibility of links

Visibility regarding navigation

Visibility regarding page and content layout

Make important things visible for decision making

Visibility miscellaneous

SBMI NCCD Guidelines explanation
Please note: The content provided here are intended as guidelines (recommended, but not mandatory) for design and implementation, not as standards (mandatory, minimum requirements).

NCCD Design Principle References


[2] U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. The Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines, Enlarged/Expanded edition. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. Available from:

[4] Lowry SZ, Quinn MT, Ramaiah M, Brick D, Patterson ES, Zhang J, et al.A human factors guide to enhance EHR usability of critical user interactions when supporting pediatric patient care. The National Institute of Standards and Technology; 2012.