International Calling: country codes, area codes, phone books.

Publishing comprehensive and up to date information on how to dial internationally from the USA, Canada or from any other country is our goal here at Telephone country codes and international area codes are provided for each country with additional information featured such as cell phone codes, telephone books and time zones. Do not hesitate to contact us with your questions, suggestions or corrections.

Call from the USA or Canada

Call from any country

Reverse country code lookup

Basic international dialing instructions

From the USA/Canada:

From any country:


Helpful tips when calling abroad

Calls to cell phones registered in another country are often charged much higher rates than calls to fixed lines. Our advice: make sure you know what type of number you are calling - this website shows you what mobile phone numbers look like for most countries.

If the international number you wish to call starts with a 0 (zero), you must omit this digit in most cases. The initial 0 (zero) is a "trunk prefix" used solely for domestic calls within many countries.

The plus sign (+) used before an international telephone number can either be dialed or replaced with your country's international prefix. For example, if you are in the US and you see this UK number +44 7000 000 000 you can dial it as is or replace the plus sign with 011.

Be aware of extra charges incurred when using a service such as a calling card to place international calls. Often they advertise low rates, but will charge additional connection or maintenance fees.

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